Café Britt

4 products

    Costa Rica has long been celebrated for its world-class coffee. But before Café Britt, all gourmet coffee was exported. Costa Ricans and visitors to the country only had access to the lower-quality beans reserved for domestic consumption. But where many people would have seen a barrier, the founders of Café Britt saw an opportunity.

    Café Britt was born from a simple but brilliant idea—to create a gourmet, export-quality coffee that would be enjoyed by people at home as much as it was in world-class restaurants overseas.

    4 products
    Café Britt Organic (Organic bajo sombra) Medium Roast |
    Café Britt Organic (Organic bajo sombra) Medium Roast |
    Organic (Organic bajo sombra)
    Café Britt
    Cafe Britt Tueste Claro Light Roast - Java Seeker
    Cafe Britt Tueste Claro Light Roast - Java Seeker
    Tueste Claro / Light Roast
    Café Britt
    Tueste Oscuro / Dark Roast
    Café Britt
    Café Britt Tres Ríos Valdivia 100% Arabica Coffee |
    Café Britt Tres Ríos Valdivia 100% Arabica Coffee |
    Tres Ríos Valdivia
    Café Britt
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